Van Nuys Brain Injury Attorney
Attorney Brain Injury Van Nuys
Brain injuries are an extremely common personal injury because the brain simply cannot absorb the sudden impact that usually takes place during a major slip and fall, car crash, truck accident, or pedestrian gets hit. Everything from memory loss to personality changes can take place and completely uproot the life the victim enjoyed before the accident. As successful Van Nuys brain injury attorneys, we know the impact this type of injury can have not only on the life of the victim but also on the family of the victim. While we wish we could make it so the accident never took place, we can provide you and your loved one’s funds that help to ease the financial and emotional burden a brain injury becomes. Call Walch Law today to learn more about how we can help and get your questions answered about the legal process.
Brain injuries can take many forms, including:
- Minor concussion
- Major concussion
- Bleeding
- Paralysis
- Temporary or permanent memory loss
- Personality changes
- Loss of coordination
The sudden impact that occurs in most personal injury accidents is simply too much for the complex and delicate human brain—this is especially true when this happens to children. For this reason, it is absolutely imperative that victims seek medical care immediately following an accident that involves trauma to the head.
Common Causes of Brain Injuries in Personal Injury Accidents
By far, slip and falls are the most common reason an individual endures some type of brain injury. Why? Because the fall usually ends in some type of blunt force connection of the head to something very hard like a stair or asphalt. Car crashes are also a common cause of brain injuries and even a low-speed accident can cause brain issues for the victim.
While each personal injury accident and the victim happens to is unique, the value of Van Nuys’ personal injury cases that involve injuries to the brain can be very high—in the millions depending on the circumstances of the accident and who the defendant is. For instance, if a permanent brain injury took place at a major Van Nuys shopping center for an avoidable and obvious reason, the case value could be in the millions. The goal of any personal injury case is to make the victim whole again and when analyzing a brain injury, we are working to show the full impact this injury has now and in the future. Extensive medical evaluation and physical and emotional forecasting with professionals is partly how we show the true impact (and value) of this type of injury.
Van Nuys Brain Injury Attorney
Looking for a Van Nuys brain injury attorney? Look no further than the highly successful father-son team at Walch Law. With a 95%+ success rate, we know how to maximize the value of these cases. Hiring us is easy and costs you nothing upfront—give us a call today to set up your free consultation with Walch Law